The Cheesy Fromage, 25 Queen Street, PO Box 514, Lakefield, ON K0L 2H0
Telephone: 705.908.3027 (Calls will be returned within 1 business day. We are usually slicing cheese and serving wine and use an answering service). For quicker response, email or drop by!

To reserve a table,  order a charcuterie board or inquire about our products, please email: or message us and book a table on Facebook at  @thecheesyfromage  

You can also find us on Instagram at:

Tuesday - Saturday 10:00 am -4:00 pm
Closed January 1-21rd anually for holiday. We are closed on Sundays and Mondays and on ALL Statutory Holidays (and some Tuesdays after a long weekend!!) Please check our Facebook page for posts on hours during holidays.

Please email or drop in to inquire about our products, catering or after hours bookings for groups of 10 or more.